How To Fix Missing In Lincoln Ls Failed Smog Test, No Air Inj System, What Is That?

Failed smog test, no air inj system, what is that? - how to fix missing in lincoln ls

I took my 1990 Lincoln Towncar be tested smog yesterday. But he spent inj air system. The man said he was gone! What is it and how can I solve this problem? I think my friend said something about the C / A will be deleted. An engineer spoke of a roller and a belt must be changed, she asked me if I wanted, and he said he did not know how, but the task would be too much to do and prefer not to! Someone knows what happened and how to help? I know nothing about cars! He also mentioned something about a compressor, I do not remember many of their proposals, he said only "I" was like a foreign language and terms to me! Please someone tell me what is wrong, if I can fix someone (do), or ifis something that can do just a mechanic.

It is under the "sabotage". I love in NV. It is the catalyst, there is. Is


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