White Scaly Spots On Skin White Scaly Spots On Knees?

White scaly spots on knees? - white scaly spots on skin

What do you call when someone spots of white scales on his knees, and sometimes on the elbows. They are about the size of a pencil eraser, maybe one quarter inch in diameter, and a little heavy. This is in addition to dry skin. What can be done for them?


"Concern... said...

Yup, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis is the most likely diagnosis. Both diseases are autoimmune disease treatment. Both conditions have similar turnover of the skin faster than normal. There are simply times when your body is better able to manage. Even with medication, the resolution is sometimes difficult.

SO excess is not so good for these conditions and use a sunscreen.

BATHROOM: oil, oatmeal can in the Dead Sea bath salts or Epsom salt bath to help remove
) After the bath fluid immedately after drying with thick creams and ointments (Vaseline. Lotions less useful
During the coutnter: aloe vera, jojoba capsaicin **
Prescription: Too many to count, your doctor may help you streamline


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